Inspiring resources from across the web
These exciting beekeeping and gardening resources inspired me. They are either innovative approaches or great solid beekeeping resources that have already stood the test of time.
Permaculture Matters - teaching a sustainable approach to life using whole systems thinking. Discover in depth core competencies, reading the landscape, contour mapping, energy cycling, nutrient cycling, patterns in nature, water harvesting and management, community strategies, permaculture design principles. Located in Katoomba.
Most pesticides can pose a risk to humans and animals. Bees are very susceptible to chemicals used especially in the garden. Follow this link for organic, homemade and agricultural alternatives to round-up and other garden chemicals -Safe Roundup Alternatives | Killing Weeds Without Glyphosate (
Glyphosate: What You Need to Know About Its Health Impacts (
Plants for beekeeping
Tea trees - A Beekeeper’s Guide to Australian Leptospermum Trees and Honey | AgriFutures Australia
The Wheen Bee Foundation has created pollinator planting guides to help people select the most appropriate indigenous species that provide value for pollinators in their area. Powerful Pollinators – The Wheen Bee Foundation
General Beekeeping
Australian Beekeeping Guide from AgriFutures Australia 14-098.pdf (
A manual on honey bee nutrition for beekeepers Fat Bees Skinny Bees - a manual on honey bee nutrition for beekeepers | AgriFutures Australia
Biosecurity Code of Practice
The Biosecurity Code of Practice, the legal requirements for beekeeping in Australia Australian-Honey-Bee-Industry-Biosecurity-Code-of-Practice.pdf (
This free online course is designed for individuals who have at least a basic understanding of beekeeping practices, and would like to learn more about protecting their bees from pests and diseases. The Biosecurity for Beekeepers BOLT course provides information about- keeping your honey bees healthy, looking for pests and diseases, exotic mite surveillance and some measures you can use to protect your apiary. Biosecurity Online Training - BOLT - Honeybee Biosecurity (
How to Build Underfloor Entrances - Best Beehive Floor
European Wasps
Small Hive Beetle
Catching Small Hive Beetle: How to prepare and deploy lantern traps
Red plexiglass lids for small hive beetles - Honey Bee Suite